Log Penderfyniadau
Penderfyniadau Comisiynydd yr Heddlu a Throsedd Gwent
27 Ebrill 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has awarded funds to the value of £9,886.35 from the Commissioners Positive Impact Fund for 2014/15.
19 Ebrill 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to award funds to the value of £9,750 to the Gwent Domestic Abuse Service to expand existing work with domestic abuse perpetrators for 2015/16.
19 Ebrill 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to award funds to the value of £10,000 to support Race Council Cymru to identify and engage with members of the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities in the areas of Gwent where the greatest need is perceived.
13 Ebrill 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner has approved the extension of the current contract with Canda Copying Ltd for the provision and maintenance of Multi-Functional Devices for one year from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016 inclusive in accordance with para
12 Ebrill 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has monitored the Complaints File Inspection Dip Sampling undertaken by two members of his office and is satisfied that the complaints examined from members of the public against officers and staff of the force followed the correct process.
30 Mawrth 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to provide a further £8,633 to the High Sherriffs Community Fund.
27 Mawrth 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to award the provision of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system be awarded to Supplier B, in accordance with paragraph 63(c) of the Manual of Corporate Governance.
27 Mawrth 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed the amendments to the Police and Crime Plan for 2015/16.
24 Mawrth 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to provide funding of £3,000 from the Engagement Fund to support the regional Gwent Youth Forum.
24 Mawrth 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has approved the Asset Management Strategy.