Log Penderfyniadau

Penderfyniadau Comisiynydd yr Heddlu a Throsedd Gwent

Clirio'r Chwiliad
19 Chwefror 2013
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has monitored progress on the implementation of the actions following the HMIC Inspection of Integrity.
19 Chwefror 2013
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has monitored the implementation of the Estate Strategy and is satisfied with progress.
19 Chwefror 2013
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has monitored the overall performance of the Force and is satisfied with progress.
19 Chwefror 2013
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has monitored the progress on the Staying Ahead Programme, Phase 6 and work to develop Phase 7.
19 Chwefror 2013
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has monitored progress with the completion of the Due Diligence Checklist and is satisfied with progress.
14 Chwefror 2013
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has considered the Strategic Policing Requirement (SPR) and has had regard to its implications in the draft Police and Crime Plan
14 Chwefror 2013
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has confirmed the Police and Crime Budget for 2013-14 as proposed in the submission to the Gwent Police and Crime Panel on the 11th January 2013.
13 Chwefror 2013
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has approved the Treasury Management Strategy for 2013-14 and the Treasury Management Practices.
11 Chwefror 2013
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to the Head Office Concept and to progress with the relocation of head office services, including the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner to to Vantage Point, Cwmbran.
11 Chwefror 2013
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has monitored the Indpendent Custody Visiting Scheme minutes from the meeting on the 17th December 2012 and is satisfied with progress.