Log Penderfyniadau
Penderfyniadau Comisiynydd yr Heddlu a Throsedd Gwent
23 Awst 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has montiored the annual force Health and Safety performance information.
23 Awst 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has monitored the Indpendent Custody Visiting Scheme minutes from the meeting on the 11th May 2015 and is satisfied with progress.
23 Awst 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to award a grant of £1,600.00 to the Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations (GAVO) for room hire and refreshments to facilitate an event in line with his commitment to engage with and support third sector activity which impacts on the Police and Crime Plan priorities.
23 Awst 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has monitored the Animal Welfare Scheme minutes from the 8th June 2015 and is satisfied with progress.
23 Awst 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to award a total of £6,275 + VAT (£7,530.00) to the Lliswerry Action Group to purchase a mobile CCTV unit to assist in the prevention and detection of localised crime and Anti-Social Behaviour.
23 Awst 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to provide funding for the Gwent Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVAs) for the final six months of 2015/16, totalling £46,892.
12 Awst 2015
The Chief Executive on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has approved a contract for the provision of a Women's Pathfinder Pan Wales Triage (Diversion Scheme) to Tenderers B (Gwalia), E (Newport Women's Aid) and F (North Wales Women's Aid)in accordance with paragraph 81 of the Manual of Corporate Governance.
3 Awst 2015
Strategy & Performance Board, 4th August 2015
3 Awst 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has approved the contract to award Consultancy Services for the Demand Reduction Project to the Behavioural Insights Team Ltd through the Crown Commercial Services Framework RM3742 in accordance with paragraph 63(c) of the Manual of Corporate Governance.
26 Gorffennaf 2015
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has considered the changes to the Articles of Association and is satisfied with the new arrangements.