Ystafell Newyddion
There will be a 30 minute question and answer session at the beginning of the meeting.
There has obviously been a big change in that the former Chief Constable Carmel Napier retired earlier this month and I have appointed Deputy Chief Constable Jeff Farrar in a...
The award was made from the Gwent Police Property Fund which is raised from the sale of property and cash seized from criminals, as well as the disposal of unclaimed lost...
My Deputy and I have continued to get out and about meeting as many residents of Gwent as possible.
Independent Custody Visitors go into police custody units to check on the welfare of detainees and the facilities they are held in. Volunteers are from the local area and...
Over 50 people came to the meeting and they shared their concerns with the Commissioner.
Over fifty people attended the event which was organised by Youth Services from across Gwent and supported by the Council for Wales of Voluntary Youth Services.
The Gwent Police Property Fund is raised from the sale of property and cash seized from criminals, as well as the disposal of unclaimed lost property.
The meeting is to be held at Monmouthshire County Hall, Rhadyr, Usk.
In the first four weeks, 30 offenders were identified as suitable candidates to take part in the programme and this number is growing each day.
Since taking up the role on November22nd 2012, Mr Johnston has worked hard to reaffirm his commitment to ensuring the best possible police service is delivered to the...
Mr Johnston will be speaking in his capacity as the Interim Chairman of the national Police Negotiating Board.