Ystafell Newyddion
Abertillery Crime Prevention Panel has worked with the Youth Offending Team, Probation Service and the local Tesco store, amongst others, to provide a solution to the Chapel's...
The Council will use the office space to hold meetings, and Council Clerks will also work from the station a couple of days a week. In return they will make a contribution to...
Monmouthshire Multi Agency Centre or MAC is a one stop shop offering free and confidential advice and support for people suffering from, or at risk of, domestic abuse.
SYDIC is a charity that engages with local youngsters to encourage them to make positive contributions to their community. Working together with partners including the Local...
The beginning of the month started on a very positive note; attending the Force's Long Service and Good Conduct awards. These ceremonies are very humbling and highlight the...
The All Wales Policing Group meeting was hosted by North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Winston Roddick. It's the third time the Group has met since the Commissioners...
Local CSO Pauline Lohfink applied for the funding as, through her involvement with the club, she had been working with six girls from the gypsy traveller community who wanted...
DIP manages and supports offenders who misuse drugs. Dedicated Home Office funding for DIP ceased in March 2013, and since April 2013 it has been allocated funding by the...
The annual report, dated from when the Commissioner took up post in November 2012 until June 2013, details important aspects about the role of the Commissioner and his...
This review will include consultation with the public, councillors and local officers.
After completing 30 years of distinguished public service the last two years of which she has served as Chief Constable in Gwent, Carmel has decided to retire.
Mr Johnston commented: "I would like to reiterate that the interests of the communities of Gwent have, and always will be, at the forefront of my decisions and that at all...