Ystafell Newyddion

Gwent PCC Pays Tribute to Victim Support as they Celebrate Big...

Victim Support provides support to victims of crime which ranges from visits to victims by trained volunteers to help with insurance claims, criminal injuries compensation and...

Meet the Man with the Police and Crime Plan

Engagement with the public is a top priority for Ian Johnston. With this in mind he is currently piloting a number of surgeries in the heart of communities throughout Gwent to...

PCC Office's Glowing Praise for Public Engagement

The aim of the 'Police Public Engagement' audit was to review the standard and the quality of engagement and consultation with the public and to see specifically how...

Working together to enhance town centres

Safer Caerphilly After Dark' brings together a number of different organisations including local taxi companies, takeaways, late night restaurants, pubs, door supervisors and...

Commissioner Clarifies Position on PACT

The PACT meetings were established to allow local communities to highlight their concerns and identify priorities for their Neighbourhood Policing Teams and other partner...

Gwent Groups Unite to Celebrate £100k Awards

Representatives from some of the 25 groups awarded funding through the Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner's Partnership Fund met with Ian Johnston and his team during a...

Commissioner's reaction to Lord Stevens report on Policing

The Commission calls for greater clarity over the broader social mission for the police and recommends that it should be enshrined in law.

PCC's Partnership Fund Success

Out of the 58 applications received, 27 were selected to receive support from the fund:

Gwent OPCC providing Value for Money

While the Commissioner's responsibilities are much wider than those of the former police authorities and he has wider commissioning responsibilities, by comparing costs that...

Jeff Farrar confirmed as new Gwent Police Chief Constable

Jeff Farrar, who takes up his post with immediate effect, said: "I am delighted and deeply honoured that my recommendation to be Chief Constable by the Police and Crime...

Commissioner comments on NATO summit announcement

"The size, scale and importance of the event cannot be over estimated, and policing and security will need to be of the highest standard.

Police and Crime Commissioner confirms plans regarding Usk Police...

Whilst the station has not been open to the public for a while, the Force is now putting together a plan to increase public contact and raise the profile of the station in...