Ystafell Newyddion

How Much Will You Pay for Policing?

PCC Ian Johnston is responsible for representing the people of Gwent and was elected to make sure the service provided by the Police is efficient, effective and provides value...

Office Scoops Award for Transparency

There are 41 Police and Crime Commissioner offices throughout England and Wales and the Gwent OPCC is among 9 which have recently been presented with a new National Quality...

Are We Fair?

Gwent PCC Ian Johnston's Equality Plan outlines how he and his office contributes to eliminating and preventing discrimination in our communities, allows people equal access...


The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Gwent, Ian Johnston, is looking for a confident and charismatic individual with experience of working within the criminal justice...

Plans Unveiled for New Victims Hub

Gwent PCC Ian Johnston revealed today that planning for his Victims Hub for Gwent is well underway and is scheduled for official launch in 2015.

7/7 Survivor Shares Experiences

As part of a number of activities organised in Gwent during Hate Crime Awareness Week 2015, PCC Ian Johnston today welcomed 35 year old Daniel Biddle of Abergavenny as a guest...

Praise for Force's 'Remarkable Turnaround'

The PEEL (police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy) assessment report published by HMIC today is an annual inspection of aspects of day-to-day policing in all police...

Star Singer to Perform with Police Choir

Critically acclaimed Welsh International Tenor, Timothy Richards, will be the special guest artiste for the Gwent Police Choir 46th Annual Concert.

Building Bridges with Our Communities

Gwent Police Community Support Officer, Jenny Mullis, has been appointed by Race Council Cymru (RCC) as a part-time Development Worker to promote Black, Asian, and minority...

Report Reveals £800 Million Rural Crime Bill

Gwent PCC Ian Johnston made his comments in the wake of results from the National Rural Crime Network survey of over 17,000 people living and working in rural areas throughout...

PCC Blog: Victims are at the Heart of Everything I Do

The majority of support services for victims which were traditionally provided by the Ministry of Justice are now provided at a local level by Police and Crime Commissioners.

We all need to pull together

It's not just the responsibility of the Police to prevent people from becoming victims of crime and to keep our communities safe. We all need to pull together and we all have...