September Update
I had the pleasure of being joined by Baroness Helen Newlove, Victim's Commissioner for England and Wales at the launch event who spoke passionately about what role Police and Crime Commissioners working together with other partners can play in improving care and support for victims and witnesses. We also had inputs from Gwent Police Assistant Chief Constable Lorraine Bottomley, who spoke about how Gwent Police is working to improve the services being delivered to victims in Gwent, and Mandy Wilmot, Victim Support Divisional Manager, who spoke about how they are working in partnership with the Commissioner and Gwent Police and the Victim Support perspective. I was delighted to see so many people at the event supporting the Charter and investing so much time and energy into making the experience for victims and witnesses of crime better. Whilst we are doing everything we can to make sure that there are less victims of crime and anti-social behaviour in Gwent, it is also important that we continually seek to improve services, and provide the best and most relevant support to those victims and witnesses who do come into contact with us. That is what the Charter is all about. September also saw our second round of funding being made available to local groups that help prevent crime and anti-social behaviour and divert people away from this type of activity. In April we awarded over £50,000 from the Gwent Police Property Act fund to local organisations, some of which I have visited since to witness the sterling work they are doing as a result of this funding. This time round the funds are coming from the Police Commissioner's Partnership Fund. A total of £100,000 is up for grabs. I welcome applications and will look forward to announcing those that have been successful. You can find out more information here:
I was pleased to meet with youngsters from across Gwent when I attended the Regional Youth Forum held in Caerphilly. It was great to hear the open and honest views of young people from Caerphilly, Torfaen and Monmouthshire in an environment where they were encouraged to share their concerns and opinions on how services that affect them can be improved. I really hope they feel valued and that their voices are being heard.
This month my Deputy, Paul Harris, got to see first hand our officers hard at work on an operation in Abercarn targeting scrap metal theft. Gwent Police has been recognised nationally for the way it has dealt with scrap metal offences and the Force has achieved a marked reduction in this area of criminality as a result of this concerted effort. As such, a number of forces sent representatives to observe the operation in action so they can replicate something similar in their home forces.
As always, if you wish to contact me for any reason, or if you have any comments or suggestions about policing in the Gwent area you can e-mail me:, telephone me 01633 642200, fax me 01633 643095 or write to me at the address below:
Ian Johnston
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Police Headquarters
NP44 2XJ