Residents asked for Comments on Gwent Police and Crime Plan

17eg Ionawr 2013

As part of his responsibilities the Commissioner must formulate a Police and Crime Plan which will shape how policing priorities and criminal justice will be achieved across Gwent. A draft copy of the plan has been produced based on feedback and comments previously provided by residents and organisations.

The Commissioner commented:

"Throughout 2012, the Police Authority consulted with the public and strategic partners on the proposed police and crime priorities and the results have been used in the production of the first draft police and crime plan for Gwent.

"I believe it is important that local residents have the chance to tell me what they think of the draft plan. This can be downloaded from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner web site or residents can contact my office to request a hard copy."

"As I outlined during my election campaign I'm fully committed to delivering an excellent policing service that Gwent residents can be proud of and one which puts victims at the centre.

You can download a copy of the Police and Crime Plan. Any comments on the Plan can be sent to