Stop and Search Survey Launched

15fed Medi 2015

Launched by Gwent PCC Ian Johnston, the online Gwent Stop and Search Survey is asking people who have been stopped and searched in the last 12 months to describe the way they felt; the way they were treated during their encounter and if they understood what their rights were.

Over 2,200 stop and searches were conducted in Gwent last year. The aim of the survey is to measure the effectiveness of stop and search powers in Gwent and the responses provided in the survey will regularly be evaluated to provide feedback to the Chief Constable as part of the Commissioner's wider scrutiny of stop and search. The responses will be anonymous and will be used to help improve the quality of local stop and search encounters in Gwent.

Urging as many people as possible to complete the survey, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Ian Johnston, said: "One of my duties as Commissioner is to engage with the public and to find out what people think about their local police service. This is why I'm interested in gathering the views of people that have been stopped and searched. It's an opportunity for people to influence how this process is undertaken as well as helping me to understand what other work needs to be done to inform our communities about use of stop and search locally.

I would like to learn more about the experiences of people who have been stopped and searched by Gwent Police within the last twelve months. If they have been stopped more than once within that time, I would like to hear about each of their experiences."

Those taking part in the survey who have been stopped more than once are being asked to complete a separate questionnaire for each time they have been stopped. All the information received will be treated confidentially and, through feedback and training, will be used to help improve the way stop and search is undertaken in Gwent.

The survey is available on the Gwent OPCC website or though the following link