Joint Audit Committee Vacancy

12fed Hydref 2015

The Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable are looking for a citizen with a good understanding and experience of public sector legislation and guidance who are politically neutral, to sit as an independent member of the Joint Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee reviews and scrutinises the affairs of both the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Gwent Police, looking at issues such as risk management, internal control and corporate governance as well as overseeing audit arrangements and reviewing financial statements. They are looking to appoint one member to the Committee to join their other four members. The appointment will be for a period to November 2020.

Anyone interested in becoming a member of the Joint Audit Committee, please submit a covering letter and CV to For further information please visit or or contact Darren Garwood-Pask on 01633 642200 or Nigel Stephens on 01633 642398.

Closing date: Midday on 30th October 2015.Shortlisted candidates will need to be available for interview on the afternoon of Friday 27th November 2015 or the morning of Monday 30th November 2015.