Have Your Say on the Police and Crime Priorities

25ain Awst 2016

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Gwent has launched a public consultation today asking residents for their feedback on his proposed police and crime priorities for the Force area.

Gwent PCC Jeff Cuthbert is required to ensure that all the people who live in Gwent have an efficient and effective police service and he has a legal duty to set the police and crime priorities which will help shape and develop his Police and Crime Plan for Gwent 2017/21.

With this in mind, Mr Cuthbert has officially launched his two month long 'Talk to Me about Your Policing Service' consultation and wants the views of residents, community groups, businesses and partners to inform his strategic policing priorities. The consultation will only take a few minutes to complete.
Following his initial consultation last month (July) on his suggested direction of travel, Mr Cuthbert now wants to know what you think about his five proposed police and crime priorities for Gwent, which are:

  • Priority 1 - Crime Prevention - working with partner organisations and the communities to prevent people becoming victims of crime;
  • Priority 2 - Provide Support for Victims of Crime - with a focus on preventing serious harm and providing excellent support to the victims of serious harm;
  • Priority 3 - Community Cohesion - For the Police to continue to work closely with communities to tackle hate crime and to encourage more effective action and support from local and national organisations to help communities work together better.
  • Priority 4 - Dealing with Anti-social Behaviour (ASB) - ensuring the Police works closely with organisations to deal with ASB effectively;
  • Priority 5 - Effective Service Delivery - ensuring the delivery of a good policing service that is easily accessible and meets victim's needs.

The police and crime priorities will help shape and develop the Commissioner's Police and Crime Plan for Gwent. The PCC has a statutory duty to draw up a new Police and Crime Plan for the period 2017-20 by the end of March next year. A final draft of the plan will be presented to the Gwent Police and Crime Panel which they will feedback on prior to publication and implementation.

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, said: "This is a golden opportunity for residents to have their say on the police and crime priorities which matter to them and for which I am responsible for delivering. I am eager to hear what people think so that the priorities take their views into account when developing my police and crime plan for Gwent. It is crucial that I listen to the views of local people and I want them to get involved in shaping how we prevent crime, plan for the future and ensure the delivery of a good policing service that is easily accessible and meets the needs of victims of crime."

The consultation period closes at 4pm on Monday October 24th 2016.

The online English version of the consultation can be accessed via the following link http://bit.ly/policeandcrimepriorities 

The online Welsh language version can be accessed here http://bit.ly/BlaenoriaethauyrHeddluaThroseddu

Other formats of the survey are also available on request from the Police and Crime Commissioner's office by emailing Commissioner@gwent.pnn.police.uk  or by calling 01633 642 200. Please email electronic copies to this address and send all hard copy responses by post to:

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Police Headquarters
NP44 2XJ