10th December 2020


1.   Apologies for absence

2.   Declarations of Interest

3.   Minutes/ and Actions from the Meeting on the 7th October 2020.  

*  Due to the current pandemic certain reports that usually would have been included for discussion on the 7th October 2020 agenda, were instead circulated for comment outside of the meeting. Any questions arising were collated into an action plan and sent to Gwent Police by the OPCC for responses to be provided.   The responses contained in this action plan should be considered alongside the minutes of the meeting.

4.   The information contained in the report(s) below has been subjected to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Data Protection Act and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent’s public interest test and is deemed to be exempt from publication under Section 7.

5.    Headquarters Update

6.    To Monitor the Joint Strategic Risk Register

7.    Disaster Recovery Update

8.    The information contained in the report(s) below has been deemed not to be subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Data Protection Act and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent’s public interest test and is not deemed to be exempt from publication under Section 7. 

9.   Update on business during COVID19 (Chief Inspector)

10.  External Audit - (Audit Wales) 

11.   The information contained in the report(s) below has been subjected to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Data Protection Act and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent’s public interest test and is deemed to be exempt from publication under Section 7.

12.   Briefing Paper - Value for Money Conclusion Work – Action Plan (Audit Wales)

13.   The information contained in the report(s) below has been deemed not to be subject to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Data Protection Act and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent’s public interest test and is not deemed to be exempt from publication under Section 7

14.   Internal Audit - Torfaen County Borough Council - (Assistant Chief Officer of Resources)

15.  Budget Setting Update 1 - (Chief Finance Officer)

16.  2019/20 Accounts Lessons Learned Action Plan - (Head of Finance)

17.  Reserves Strategy 1 2 - (Chief Finance Officer)

18.  Treasury Management Six Month Update 2020/21  1 2 3 - (Chief Finance Officer)

19.  Treasury Management Strategy 2021/2022  1  2 - (Chief Finance Officer)

20.  Joint Audit Committee Self-Assessment Action Plan - (Chair)

21. Any Relevant Reports from Other Organisations that Should be Brought to the Attention of the Joint Audit Committee

22.  Any Other Business

23. To identify any risks arising from this meeting

Due to the current pandemic and to avoid confusion the following reports will be circulated for comment and feedback after the SPB meeting.  The resulting document will be published in lieu of minutes in order to evidence scrutiny.