
Decisions of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent .

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8 July 2019
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to provide funding to support the Early Action Together programme during 2019/20.
8 July 2019
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has awarded funds to the value of £8,322.50 from the Commissioners Positive Impact Fund for 2018/19.
8 July 2019
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to provide funding to partner organisations based within Connect Gwent for 2019/20.
8 July 2019
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to fund the overspend in relation to the interim service delivered by Umberella Gwent in 2018/19 and to extend the interim provision by 9 months until December 2019
8 July 2019
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to support the extension of the Gwent Drug and Alchol Service (GDAS) contract by 1 year, taking the service to 31st March 2021.
8 July 2019
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to award grant funding to three organisations totalling £39,154.50 from the PCC Police Community Fund within the final six month period of 2018/19.
28 June 2019
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has agreed to award the Women's Pathfinder Whole System Approach and 18-25 Early Intervention to Future 4 in accordance with paragraph 84-86 of the Manual of Corporate Governance.
14 June 2019
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has appointed, as per the requirement under the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011, Ms Pamela Kelly (current Deputy Chief Constable for Gwent Police) as temporary Chief Constable from 1st July 2019.
5 June 2019
Strategy and Performance Board, 5th June 2019
20 May 2019
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has approved the Chief Constable's decision to deploy a CHief Superintendent to provide advice and guidance to the Chief Officer Sovereign Base Areas in Cyprus in relation to a misconduct hearing.