Specified Information Order

The Elected Local Policing Bodies' Specified Information Order places a duty on the Police and Crime Commissioner and his office to publish certain information for the public and for that information to be frequently reviewed.

The requirements include information about who we are and what we do, what we spend and how we spend it, what our priorities are, how we make our decisions and information around complaints, policies and procedures.

Details of publication can be found below:


Statement on the contribution of Gwent Police to achieving improvements against the key national priorities as communicated by the Secretary of State. 

  • Including an explanation of which of the national priorities are assessed to be applicable and which are not applicable in the context of the relevant police area and the reasons for that assessment.


Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS)

Most recent PEEL inspection report – 2021/22

Summary assessment of the performance of Gwent Police from the PEEL inspection:

Outstanding: N/A
Preventing Crime. Managing offenders.
Adequate: Treatment of the public. Developing a positive workplace. Good use of resoruces. 
Requires improvement: Investigating Crimes. Protecting vulnerable people.
Inadequate: Responding to the public.

Performance against the National Police and Crime Measures

National Police and Crime Measures report 2023 - 24 Q4
National Police and Crime Measures report 2023 - 24 Q3
National Police and Crime Measures report 2023 - 24 Q2
National Police and Crime Measures report 2023 - 24 Q1

National Police and Crime Measures report 2022 - 23


IOPC Quarterly performance data for Gwent Police

IOPC Annual Statistics Report for Gwent Police

A report published by the OPCC that covers: 

  • how the Police and Crime Commissioner holds the Chief Constable to account for the handling of police complaints; and
  • an assessment by the OPCC of its performance in exercising its functions in relation to reviews of police complaints


Who we are & what we do: organisational information, structures, locations & contacts.

The names and contact details of the PCC and Deputy PCC

Information about the internal structures of the office of the PCC including organograms, (with names of senior staff, if they agree), salary bands and demographics including ethnicity, gender and disability (by proportion). -

Information about any arrangements that the PCC has to make use of the staff of the chief officer of police or a local authority. 

The identity of any premises or land owned by, or occupied for the purpose of the work of the PCC


What we spend & how we spend it: Covering financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure and clear financial audit for transparency.

The budget for the office of the PCC, including:

All planned expenditure 

All anticipated revenue sources

The planned precept levels

The draft precept (which must go before the PCP for comment);

The response to the PCP’s report on the proposed precept


Details of each grant (including crime and disorder reduction grant) made by the PCC, including:

The conditions (if any) attached to the grant

The recipient of the grant

The reasons why the body considered that the grant would secure, or contribute to securing, crime and disorder reduction in the body’s area, where appropriate.


Information as to any item of expenditure over £500 (other than crime and disorder reduction grants) by the PCC or the Chief Officer, including:

The recipient

The purpose of the expenditure 

The reasons why the PCC or Chief Officer considered that Value for Money would be achieved (except contracts over £10,000).


Allowances & Expenses

Details of the allowances and expenses that have been claimed or incurred by the PCC and Deputy PCC.


Police and Crime Commissioners and their Deputies should publish a breakdown of their expenses including:

Their name, force area, financial year, month, date, claim reference numbers, expense type (e.g. Travel, Accommodation), short description, details, amount claimed, amount reimbursed, amount not reimbursed, and the reason why a claim was not reimbursed.

For travel and subsistence claims: date, place of origin, place of destination, category of journey, class of travel, mileage, length of hotel stay, category of hotel

PCC expenditure

Deputy PCC expenditure


Contracts & Tenders:

A list of contracts for £10,000 or less - to include the value of the contract, the identity of all parties to the contract and its purpose;

Full copies of contracts over £10,000;

Copies of each invitation to tender which is issued by the PCC or the Chief Officer where the contract is to exceed £10,000.


Senior Salaries:

The salary amounts above £58,200 including names (with the option to refuse name being published), job description, & responsibilities in the office of PCC.

About the Chief Executive | Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner (pcc.police.uk)

About the Chief Finance Officer | Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner (pcc.police.uk)



Audited accounts: (the specialist examination of the accounts of the office of the PCC)

  • Auditors opinions of the audited accounts of the force & PCC, covering any significant issues and any comments.
  • The annual accounting statement showing how the budget has been spent.
  • Audit Reports on the accounts of the office of the PCC (please see the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2011 and the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2005).




Investment Strategy:

The investment strategy of the PCC (please see: Local Government Act 2003 s15).

Pay Multiple:


Chief Finance Officer's Pay - 94,299 
Median Pay of the Police and Crime Commissioner's Staff - 32,796 
Median Pay Ratio - 2.87 


Chief Finance Officer's Pay - 96,657
Median Pay of the Police and Crime Commissioner's Staff - 34,578
Median Pay Ratio - 2.80


Chief Finance Officer's Pay - 96,657
Median Pay of the Police and Crime Commissioner's Staff - 34,578
Median Pay Ratio - 2.80

Financial Audit Reports

Internal Financial Regulations and Delegated Authority

Public Contract Regulations Act 2015:

Regulation 113


What our priorities are & how we are doing: strategies and plans, performance indicators, audits, inspections and reviews

Police and Crime Plan (please see s.5(10) of the Act)

Annual Report (see s.12(6) of the Act)

A copy of each collaboration agreement, or the fact that an agreement has been made and such other details about it as the PCC thinks appropriate (please see s.23E of the Police Act 1996).

Partnership Arrangements

HMICFRS Inspection Responses

Reports presented to the ELPB indicating service provision, performance assessments, operational assessments of police force

Reports by External Inspectors and Auditors

Equality Impact Assessments

Community Trigger Appeals Received


How we make decisions: decision making processes & records of decisions - all for transparency purposes

The dates, times & places of all public meetings and public consultations held by the PCC;

Agendas and discussion documents for the meeting;

Copies of the agreed minutes, (to ensure transparency and the decisions made by the elected officials).

A record of every significant decision taken by or on behalf of the PCC as a result of a meeting or otherwise


Our policies & procedures: current written policies, procedures for delivering services and responsibilities.

The following policies and procedures to which the PCC & deputy must adhere to in the course of their role:

Code of conduct (if any),

Decision making (policy on),

The procedure for the handling of complaints and the number of complaints against the PCC recorded by the Police and Crime Panel (as required by regulations).

Information about the operation of the ICV scheme including the process and policies of the scheme.

Standing Orders, delegated powers, corporate governance, consent or governance framework

Policies and procedures for procurement and commissioning arrangements

Equality Scheme

Annual Publication of a Modern Day Slavery Statement


Record management:

Record management Information security policies, relating to records retention and destruction/archive policies

Data sharing policies ( Minimum standards to responding for requests for Information).

Information Sharing Protocol

Privacy Notices


Human Resources

Numbers of staff employed by the office of the PCC

Diversity data on staff employed by the office of the PCC, including the number of women, ethnic minorities and those who are disabled.

Whistle blowing - a clear guideline on what to do if concerns over the conduct of PCC and/or staff are raised. (see section 43B of Employment Rights Act 1996)


Lists & registers

Register of any interests which might conflict with the role of the PCC and Deputy PCC, including every other pecuniary interest or other paid positions that they hold.

List of FOI requests received, and their responses (disclosure log).

List of all gifts/donations and hospitality offered to staff of the office of the PCC, and whether these were accepted or declined.