News Room

Commissioner pledges to help reduce road deaths

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd has pledged to play her part in helping to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on Gwent’s roads.

Raising awareness of domestic abuse services with health...

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has supported its partners at the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board at a conference for professionals working in...

National Police Memorial Day

Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent Jane Mudd has paid tribute to police officers who have been killed or lost their lives in the line of duty.

PCC welcomes UK Government’s commitment to tackling knife crime

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd has welcomed the UK Government’s commitment to halving knife crime in the next decade.

Crimestoppers campaign

Crimestoppers has launched a new campaign to combat the exploitation of young people and vulnerable adults by criminal gangs.

Commissioner calls for people to be spike aware

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd is calling for residents to be aware and vigilant to the dangers of spiking.

Commissioner praises new scheme to tackle retail crime in Blaenau...

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd has praised a new partnership initiative between Gwent Police and Blaenau Gwent County Council to tackle retail crime and antisocial...

Still time to have your say on policing in Gwent

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jane Mudd, is asking residents for their views on policing.

Tackling alcohol and drug misuse in Gwent

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd has made her first official visit to the Gwent Drug and Alcohol Service (GDAS) headquarters in Newport.

Blog: This week

This week I held my Strategy and Performance Board, which is the key meeting where I hold the Chief Constable to account.

Commissioner joins residents for pride parade

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jane Mudd, joined residents in a parade through the streets of Newport to celebrate this year’s Pride in the Port.

Supporting learners in Gwent

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner has been supporting Coleg Gwent’s Freshers’ Fairs for learners starting back at college for the new term.