PCC Police Community Fund 2023/24
Organisation: Cwmbran Centre for Young People
Amount Awarded: £42,631.48.
Locality: Torfaen.
Purpose: Providing an open access drop in facility for five nights a week within a safe environment. Providing tailor made services, activities and support; providing counsellors and mentors; providing learning opportunities that include volunteering options, job/enterprise clubs, confidence and coping skills, awareness of healthy relationships, fitness and independent living skills; conducting outreach work to encourage more young people to use the service; and receiving referrals from various partner organisations to target those young people most in need e.g. from Communities for Work, Career Service for NEETs and Gwent Police.
Organisation: Community House
Amount Awarded: £49,886.
Locality: Newport.
Purpose: The project provides youth work sessions during school holidays that includes educational trips, centre-based activities for young people e.g. sports, arts and craft, educative sessions; as well as providing peer mentoring, youth leadership and volunteering opportunities.
Organisation: Ethnic Minorities Youth Support Team (EYST Wales)
Amount Awarded: £49,671.71.
Locality: Newport.
Purpose: The project provides weekly youth drop in sessions, regular one to one mentoring sessions, fortnightly information workshops with partner organisations and providing opportunities for young people to participate in a range of activities or trips.
Original decision log