News Room

Police Unity Tour

Family, friends and colleagues congregated at Gwent Police headquarters this morning to wave off the 20 Police Officers taking part in this year’s Police Unity Tour.

Gwent PCC Voices Concern Over Digital Evidence Consent Forms

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, has expressed concern that the blanket use of digital evidence consent forms will prevent some victims of crime...

Public Health Duty

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, has welcomed the announcement of a new legal duty on public bodies to prevent and tackle serious violence.

Deputy PCC Remembers Victims Of Honour Based Violence

Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Gwent, Eleri Thomas, has commemorated victims of honour based violence at an event in Newport.

Gwent OPCC Retains Top Transparency Award for Fourth Year in a...

For the fourth year in a row, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Gwent has been awarded with a national award for transparency.

ONS releases latest crime figures

The Office for National Statistics has released its latest crime figures for England and Wales.

Heddlu Bach launch road safety rap video

School children from Blaenau Gwent have launched a rap video to encourage other pupils and their families to be more aware of road safety.

Visit to Al-Islah Islamic School

My team recently visited the Al-Islah Islamic School, based at Pillgwenlly Primary in Newport.

Civil parking enforcement powers transfer to local councils

As of Monday 1 July 2019 civil parking enforcement powers in Gwent have transferred to the five local councils.

Chief Constable retires

This week, I had the pleasure of hosting a reception to mark the retirement of Gwent Police Chief Constable Julian Williams, who formally steps down on Sunday 30 June.

Inspection finds Gwent Police committed to child protection

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent (PCC), Jeff Cuthbert, has praised Gwent Police on its child protection practices following a largely positive report from Her...

Volunteer Independent Custody Visitors Wanted

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, is looking for members of the public to join his Independent Custody Visiting scheme