News Room

Gwent Police’s new Survivor Engagement Coordinator is a first for...

A new Survivor Engagement Coordinator has started work at Gwent Police. The post is a first of its kind for a police force in Wales and has been created following a...

Sod-cutting ceremony officially marks the start of new police...

Children from Greenmeadow Primary School’s Heddlu Bach unit have cut the sod at the site of Gwent Police’s new headquarters to officially mark the start of construction.

Changes to Gwent Police complaints procedure

From Monday 1 February 2020 residents who would like to make a complaint to Gwent Police will need to contact the force’s Professional Standards Department (PSD), rather than...

Police and Crime Panel makes precept recommendation

The Gwent Police and Crime Panel has today reviewed the proposed council tax precept set out by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert.

Report serious and organised crime in Newport

Crimestoppers has launched a new awareness campaign to help prevent serious and organised crime carried out by criminal gangs in Newport.

Holocaust Memorial Day

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, has joined community and faith leaders at Gwent Police HQ to remember the six million Jews murdered during the...

New series of Crash Detectives

A new series of the hit BBC show Crash Detectives, which follows the work of Gwent Police’s Collision Investigation Unit, began on Monday.

New Heddlu Bach unit in Blaina

The OPCC team joined Gwent Police to welcome the new Heddlu Bach Mini Police unit at Berea Mosque in Blaina on Monday.

Crime Survey for England and Wales

The latest Crime Survey for England and Wales shows that Gwent remains one of the safest places in the UK

UK Government announces funding to increase the use of Taser

I welcome the opportunity to bid for government funding which would help to support Gwent Police’s current plans to increase the number of Taser-trained officers within the...

Independent custody visiting scheme

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent is currently recruiting Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs).

County Lines report

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, has welcomed a new national report looking how police forces deal with County Lines.