News Room

Welsh Language Rights Day 2022

You have a right to receive Welsh language services from public organisations in Wales.

Knife Crime Awareness workshops

I am extremely pleased that thousands of young people from schools, colleges, and youth groups across Gwent have participated in knife crime awareness sessions by

Gwent says goodbye to the Knife Angel

The Knife Angel will officially leave Gwent on Thursday 1 December after spending a month at the Friars Walk Shopping Centre in Newport.

School boxing sessions knocking down barriers with young people

A Police and Crime Commissioner funded project that provides non-contact boxing training is helping to keep children in Torfaen active and in school.

Gwent Police Force Awards 2022

I was delighted to support Gwent Police’s annual Force Awards this week.

Statement: Sunday Times investigation

The allegation of abhorrent messages found on a former police officer’s mobile phone, as reported by the Sunday Times, is very serious.

Independent custody visiting scheme

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent is currently recruiting Independent Custody Visitors (ICVs).

White Ribbon Day 2022

Residents across Gwent are being asked to get involved and support White Ribbon Day on Friday 25 November.

Commissioner launches anti- violence art competition

Police and Crime Commissioner, Jeff Cuthbert has launched an anti-violence art competition to keep the powerful message of the Knife Angel alive when it departs Gwent on...

We will remember them

I was honoured today to lay a wreath at Gwent Police’s headquarters in remembrance of all those who have lost their lives in conflict since the first world war.

HRH Earl of Wessex formally opens Gwent Police’s new headquarters...

This week we welcomed HRH the Earl of Wessex to Gwent Police’s new headquarters in Cwmbran

Have your say on police funding in Gwent

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, is asking residents for their views on police funding for the next financial year.