News Room

Gwent Police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner...

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Gwent and Gwent Police marked International Women’s Day this week with a celebratory campaign.

Event to tackle Anti-Social Behaviour in Cwmbran Town Centre held...

An event to tackle anti-social behaviour in Cwmbran Town centre has been held at Cwmbran fire station.

Mate Crime video launched

A new video to raise awareness of Mate Crime has been launched by the Volunteering Matters’ SAFE Males project, funded by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for...

World Café to Tackle Serious and Organised Crime Held in Newport

More than 40 residents from Ringland and Alway took part in a ‘connecting café’ event to discuss serious and organised crime (SOC) in their area.

New youth counselling service launches in Torfaen

A new counselling service for children and young people has launched in Torfaen.

Police and Crime Commissioner launches newsletter

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, has launched a new e-newsletter.

Gwent PCC: Precept increase “The right decision to ensure the...

Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, has today confirmed a 6.99% rise in Gwent’s precept, after it was agreed by the Gwent Police and Crime Panel.

Children and Young People across Gwent launch their Curriculum 4...

Children and young people from Gwent’s regional youth forum launched their ‘Curriculum 4 Life’ (C4L) video this week in front of Assembly Ministers and the Children’s...

Gwent Police officers deliver an early Christmas gift to stroke...

Blackwood Stroke Support Group was thrilled to receive an early Christmas present from officers at Gwent Police this week who handed over a cheque for £695.

Gwent Police heavily praised by inspectorate

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent (PCC), Jeff Cuthbert, has praised Gwent Police for improving the accuracy of crime reporting, following a positive report from Her...

Victim’s Commissioner visits Gwent victims hub

Baroness Newlove, the Victim’s Commissioner for England and Wales, has visited the Gwent victims hub in Blackwood three years after she helped to launch it.

Have your say on police funding in Gwent

Residents in Gwent are being asked how much they are willing to pay for local policing.