Strategy and Performance Board

The Strategy and Performance Board is the primary forum at which the Police and Crime Commissioner will hold the Chief Constable to account in accordance with section 1(8) of the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011. The Board will also be the primary consultation forum for strategic decisions affecting both the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable.

The SPB is responsible for:

  • Any matters relating to the effectiveness and efficiency of the policing service delivered in Gwent.
  • The monitoring and management of delivery against the Police and Crime Plan.
  • The assessment of the viability of, and decisions on entering into collaborative initiatives.
  • The review of the delivery of operational policing through performance information.
  • The review and monitoring of the management of the budget by the Chief Financial Officer (Chief Constable).
  • The overview of the distribution and level of staffing and resources for the delivery of policing services.
  • The review and identification of community concerns about policing and implementation of plans to address those issues.
  • The discussion of any issues arising from the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding, scheme of consent and other key policies and procedures.
  • The provision of updates on on-going critical incidents and strategic threat and risks. Due to the sensitivity of some matters and their classification level under the governments protective marking scheme, the records relating to these items shall be subject to appropriate publication limitations.
  • Strategies:
    • Strategic Equality Plan
    • Communications/Engagement (Force and OPCC)
    • Fleet
    • Procurement
    • Estates
    • ICT
    • Asset Management
    • People and Learning and Development
    • Risk Management

Membership of the Board comprises of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner, Chief of Staff of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC), Chief Financial Officer of the OPCC and the Chief Constable.  Both the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable may invite other attendees at their discretion to provide professional advice to the Board.

Strategy and Performance Board Terms of Reference

Meetings of the SPB may be held in the public domain and commence at 10am unless otherwise stated. If you wish to attend a meeting of the SPB and you would like to hear the meeting in Welsh then please inform the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner at least two weeks prior to the meeting date so that the appropriate arrangements can be made.

Meeting dates for 2025 are as follows: