Recorded crime continues to fall in Gwent
Recorded crime in Gwent fell by ten per cent over the last year according to the latest figures from the Office of National Statistics.
Figures show that 49,146 crimes were recorded in Gwent for the year ending June 2021, down from 54,718 in June 2020.
The figures from the Office of National Statistics give a quarterly breakdown of recorded crimes for all forces in England and Wales.
Police and Crime Commissioner, Jeff Cuthbert, said: “Yet again we see levels of recorded crime falling consistently and Gwent is maintaining its place as one of the safest places to live and work in the UK. It is particularly reassuring to see that Gwent has one of the lowest levels of crime involving a knife, or sharp instrument, in the country.
“While this is incredibly positive we do know that some crimes, including rape, sexual violence and domestic abuse are significantly under reported. Addressing this problem is incredibly complex but I want to reassure victims of these crimes that if you come forward, you will be believed, you will be supported, and you will never be judged.
“If you are not ready to report an incident to the police then there are support services that can help you, and that can be there for you if or when you are ready to reporting a crime. Please don’t suffer in silence, help is available.”
Chief Constable Pam Kelly said: “The health crisis presented many challenges to how we police and how we protect the most vulnerable members of our community. Despite these very unique challenges our officers worked hard to tackle all types of criminal activity and overall drop in the level of crime in Gwent is always encouraging.
“We’re determined to keep our homes and streets as free from crime as possible and our work never stops in that regard. I would like to recognise the commitment of our officers during the pandemic, and also thank the public for working with us to keep us all safe.”
Support is available
Victims can report incidents to Gwent Police via their Facebook page, 101 or calling 999 in an emergency.
Help is available through dedicated sexual abuse and sexual violence support services.
New Pathways provides rape crisis and sexual abuse support services, and specialist services for child victims of sexual abuse.
Phone: 01685 379 310
Cyfannol Women’s Aid provide domestic abuse and sexual violence support services across Gwent.
Phone: 01495 742052
Connect Gwent victims’ hub offers a wide range of support and you do not have to have reported a crime to the police to access these services.
Phone: 0300 123 2133