Putting vulnerable communities first
The Police and Crime Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner for Gwent met with the Older People Commissioner for Wales to discuss how they and partners can work together to put older people, in particular those who are vulnerable at the forefront of future work.
The meeting follows Elder Abuse Awareness day which took place on June 15. The day focussed on the many types of abuse of older people in Wales face.
Both the Police and Crime Commissioner and Older People’s Commissioners are passionate about putting the rights of older people first, ensuring their voices are heard, and that older people are protected and not discriminated in any way.
Jeff Cuthbert Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent said:
“My number one priority is to protect the most vulnerable. There is a tremendous opportunity for joint working and in Gwent we have an excellent relationship with our public service partners to be able to do this.
“Policing has changed over the years and our focus will always be to reassure and protect our communities. However, the pandemic has led to an increase in cybercrime and changed the way criminals work. I am pleased that Gwent Police’s dedicated Financial Investigations and Cyber Crime Unit has expanded and now also includes a dedicated Cyber CSO, and Cyber Protect Officer, to deliver online safety and security advice to our communities.
“Feeling safe is a fundamental quality of positive wellbeing. I know that older people feel safe when they see officers in their communities. They are our eyes and ears and becoming more equipped to know the signs of abuse and aware of crimes that can affect older people is very important to me.
“I look forward to working with the Older Peoples Commissioner and local authorities to enable all areas of the county to become Age Friendly communities.”
The Older People’s Commissioner has produce a comprehensive leaflet to raise awareness of abuse details of where to get help: Get Help Stay Safe
Find out more about the work of the Older Peoples Commissioner for Wales: https://olderpeoplewales.com/en/Home.aspx