Guest blog: Sue Lewis, Artistic Director Ffin Dance

8th November 2021

Ffin Dance has been awarded support from the Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner’s community fund to deliver dance activities in the community of Blaenau Gwent.

It has long been a passion of mine to get more young people engaging in the arts, in particular dance.

When I was head of dance in Ebbw Vale Senior Comprehensive School, we had fantastic results with young people taking part in both curricular and extra-curricular dance activity in the school. For many it was a great way to get fit and flexible, for others it was a good way of gaining confidence, but for everyone it was a way of being able to be creative with no “rights or wrongs” and no-one making judgements.

I firmly believe that dance should be part of everyone’s life.

The project we are rolling out is called Dance & Enhance and involves working with children and young people in their own locality. No uniform required, free of charge to all and anyone can join in.

Studies show that early intervention techniques to engage with young people in a creative way can help give them self-confidence, self-esteem and self-belief. In turn this can lead to self-respect and a greater respect for others.

We encourage the young people to watch each other’s’ work and make kind remarks, to work together and to have a feeling of group success to which everyone contributes.

We have made some amazing new partnerships with local police, local community groups and with some fantastic, unique young people.

I feel most privileged to be undertaking work of this kind in my own community and sincerely hope that the work will have a lasting and positive effect on peoples’ lives.

If you’d like to know more about Dance & Enhance and how we may be able to work together with your organisation, please contact