Freedom of Information Disclosure Log

This online resource is a record of responses to requests received under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000.

Making these responses available to the wider community will provide a greater understanding of the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and the type of information held.

Clear Search
7 January 2021
Request for informaton on Commissioning services relating to mental health.
6 January 2021
Request for OPCC employee titles containing any of the following words: equality, diversity, fairness inclusion, gender, LGBT or race
18 December 2020
Request for information on Stolen dogs in Gwent.
17 December 2020
Request for details of the person responsible for IT/Information Security
8 December 2020
Request for information on delegation of conduct reviews.
4 December 2020
Request for information on the Sancus Solution contract.
2 December 2020
Request for mobile and telephony contract information
12 November 2020
Request for number of staff in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and who has responsibility for conducting FOI requests for his office.
2 November 2020
Request for OPCC employee titles and contact details
14 October 2020
Request for evidence relating to cannabis classification