Freedom of Information Disclosure Log
This online resource is a record of responses to requests received under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000.
Making these responses available to the wider community will provide a greater understanding of the work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and the type of information held.
23 March 2022
Request for information on policy in relation to possession and use of prescribed medical cannabis.
14 March 2022
Request to confirm if the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner's Office is a registered company.
14 March 2022
Request to know start date and retirement date of two officers
9 March 2022
Request for total amount spent by taxpayer on investigation for a subject.
7 March 2022
Request for information on Contractual Catering contracts.
17 February 2022
Request for information on commissioning services in relation to VAWDASV
17 February 2022
Request for money generated from income from traffic enforcement camera in 2019,2020 and 2021 and which camera generated the most.
15 February 2022
Request for information about refurbishment of police stations across Gwent.
14 February 2022
Request for information on the sharing of information on service users with mental health conditions and training provided to officers on data protection law.
9 February 2022
This is an information request relating to the seizure of dogs under the provisions of the Dangerous Dogs Act (1991).