Joint Audit Committee

The purpose of the Joint Audit Committee is:

  • to provide independent assurance to the Police and Crime Commissioner and the Chief Constable regarding the adequacy of the risk management framework and the associated control environment,
  • independent scrutiny of the Force’s and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s financial performance,
  • to oversee the financial reporting process adapted from the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) Audit Committees Practical Guidance for Local Authorities

The Committee provides comments, advice and assurance on matters relating to the internal control environment of the Force and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

It has oversight of general governance matters and will provide comments on any new or proposed policies and strategies provided by the Commissioner or changes to existing relevant polices and strategies which in the opinion of the Chief Financial Officers are significant with regards to financial risk and probity.

The Committee is composed of five people who are independent of the Chief Constable and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner:

  • Mrs Dawn Turner (Chair)
  • Mr Gareth Watts (Vice-Chair)
  • Mr Andrew Blackmore 
  • Mr Andy Johns
  • Dr Janet Wademan

They report directly to the Commissioner and the Chief Constable. 

Five formal committee meetings are scheduled each year (additional formal meetings may be required).  The Agenda, reports and minutes of formal meetings will be made available on the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable's websites.

Agendas and Minutes

Joint Audit Committee Operating Principles and Terms of Reference

Annual Report and Terms of Reference

Joint Audit Committee Annual Report 2022/23
Joint Audit Committee Annual Report 2021/22
Joint Audit Committee Annual Report 2020/21
Joint Audit Committee Annual Report 2019/20