Your questions on Covid-19 and local policing answered

16th April 2020

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent Jeff Cuthbert is offering residents the opportunity ask any questions they may have about Covid-19 and local policing.

Questions can be submitted until Sunday 19 April and answers will be posted on the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner’s website and social media channels.

Police and Crime Commissioner Jeff Cuthbert said: “People understandably have many questions about the regulations put in place to keep us safe from Covid-19, about how Gwent Police are using these powers and how business is being delivered during these unprecedented times.

“It is my responsibility to hold the Chief Constable to account for the service Gwent Police delivers and I am offering residents the chance to put any questions they have to me, either about the work of Gwent Police, or my office, during this time.”

Send questions to  or on social media via Facebook and Twitter.