Support available for victims of crime in Gwent

14th April 2020

Victims of crime in Gwent can continue to access help and support from the Connect Gwent victims’ hub while following the government’s instructions to remain at home.

Connect Gwent, which is funded through the Gwent Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, is the only hub for victims and witnesses of crime of its kind in Wales.

It brings together a range of specialist organisations under one roof to provide advice, advocacy, support and guidance to victims, whether they choose to report incidents to the police or not.

The hub has staff and volunteers working across the five local authority areas of Gwent from Age Cymru, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Umbrella Cymru, Victim Support, and New Pathways.

Connect Gwent coordinator Sam Heatley said: “I want to reassure victims of crime that we are still open, and that we are here to help.

“Obviously we cannot carry out any home visits at the moment but our staff are all working remotely and are here to support you however we can.”

To speak with an advisor at Connect Gwent call 0300 123 21 33. You can find out more information at