Police and Crime Commissioner welcomes police pay award

31st July 2024

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd has welcomed the announcement of a 4.75 per cent pay award for police officers.

The Home Office has confirmed that Police Officers will receive the pay rise from 1 September, and that it will provide an additional £175million to police forces to support them with additional costs.

Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jane Mudd, said: “Policing is one of the most demanding jobs there is and police officers regularly put themselves in danger to keep us safe. They deal with situations that, thankfully, most of us will never have to experience and their pay must reflect this.

“I welcome this pay rise for police officers and I am also pleased that they will see their annual leave increase to a minimum of 25 days per annum from next year. These improvements to pay and conditions will help address recruitment challenges and means that forces are more likely to retain experienced officers, both of which are essential if we are to make a real difference in our communities.”