Police and Crime Commissioner praises hardworking emergency service workers
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, has marked national Emergency Services Day by praising all emergency service workers and volunteers across Gwent.
Jeff Cuthbert said: “Emergency Services Day is an opportunity to recognise and say thank you to our emergency service workers and volunteers.
“Never in the last few years has their hard work and dedication been more apparent.
“2020 has already seen our emergency services in Gwent deal with severe flooding, the outbreak of Covid-19 and issues caused by many months of lockdown, and now the threat posed by illegal raves and gatherings.
“They have been tested like never before and they have risen to these challenges admirably.
“We must remember that emergency service workers are facing real dangers on the front line as they work to keep us safe and well.
“It was just a few months ago here in Gwent that one of our own officers was stabbed during an altercation and it serves as a powerful reminder that they really do put their lives on the line.
“I would like to take this opportunity to again thank our police officers, emergency service workers and, of course, their families, for all they do to keep us safe.”