Police and Crime Commissioner calls for action over ‘off-rolling’
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Jeff Cuthbert, has expressed his concern over the school registration practice known as ‘off-rolling’.
Off-rolling involves a school removing a pupil from the school roll, or encouraging a parent or guardian to remove their child from the roll, without a formal exclusion. The Welsh Government describes the practice as primarily done in the interest of the school rather than in the best interests of the pupil.
A recent report from Estyn has shown that the practice has nearly doubled in the last six years - www.estyn.gov.wales/sites/www.estyn.gov.wales/files/documents/Pupil%20registration%20practices.pdf
Mr Cuthbert said: “I am concerned to see the number of children off-rolled in Wales is rising.
“There is clear evidence to suggest that children removed from the protective environment of school, either through formal exclusion or off-rolling, are at a higher risk of becoming involved in crime. These children are often some our most vulnerable.
“The findings in this report are important and require action. I am calling for colleagues in education and partners to work together to provide the support these children need to achieve their full potential, and to reduce the risk of them entering the criminal justice system.”