How Much Will You Pay for Policing?
PCC Ian Johnston is responsible for representing the people of Gwent and was elected to make sure the service provided by the Police is efficient, effective and provides value for money. His duty includes setting the budget for policing in Gwent which will help him meet the priorities outlined in his police and crime plan. Developed in consultation with the public, the priorities include:
- preventing and reducing crime;
- taking more effective action to tackle anti-social behaviour; and
- protecting people from serious harm.
A proportion of the cost of policing is paid from your council tax with the rest coming directly from Central Government. This local council tax element is called the Police Precept, which the locally elected PCC sets each year following close consultation with local taxpayers.
To inform his considerations when setting next year's budget (2016/17) and the level of his Precept, Ian Johnston will be hosting a consultation event on Monday 11th January 2016. The number of sessions within the event and the venue(s) will be decided at a later date and will depend on the number of responses received. The consultation event is specifically aimed at finding out how much tax payers in Gwent are willing to pay for their policing.
This event will provide an opportunity for the public to understand, amongst other issues:
- The impact of the Government's austerity programme on police and crime budgets;
Gwent Police's track record in delivering efficiency savings to date and the scale of the challenge yet to be faced; - The methods being employed across public agencies in Gwent to deliver the Commissioner's priorities; and
- The future service pressures being faced by policing in Gwent and the key priorities which need to be met.
In the last year, Ian Johnston has worked closely with the Chief Constable by looking at 'demand' and restructuring the force and the way it operates to get more officers out on the front line and to where they are needed most. His office continues to collaborate with a variety of community partners on projects which reduce demand on policing and provide value for money for local tax payers.
Urging as many members of the public as possible to attend the consultation event, the PCC for Gwent, Ian Johnston, said: "I want to make sure the public get the best policing service possible which also provides value for money.
In order to set the budget I have to consider the Chief Constable's operational policing plan and determine whether the amount you pay for policing locally should stay the same or rise to maintain service in key areas.
I realise there are arguments for and against increasing the Police Precept and that's why I want as many people as possible to attend these consultation sessions so that my decisions take your views into account before setting the budget for next year. A number of other factors will also inform my final decision such as the Government spending review."
If you wish to attend the consultation event on the Monday 11th January 2016 please email or call 01633 642 200. Please remember to indicate your preference for a morning, afternoon or evening session. All responses need to be submitted by 5pm on Monday December 7th 2015.