High Quality and Value for Money Policing Recognised in Gwent
The Authority was awarded a "Level 3 - exceeds minimum requirements, performs well" - in the audit undertaken at the end of the 2008/09 financial year. The audit assesses how well police authorities are managing and using their resources to deliver value for money and provide better and sustainable outcomes which are making a positive difference to local people. To achieve a "Level 3" the Authority evidenced strong and innovative arrangements in three key areas of work which have led to excellent value for money outcomes throughout the year. These were:
- Sound and strategic financial management
- Strategic commissioning and good governance
- Management of natural resources, assets and people
During the last year efficient financial management by the Police Authority has led to further investment in frontline policing, including:
- The addition of 25 Neighbourhood Police Officers
- The launch of a Demand Management and Tasking Unit - a telephone investigation service for low level crime where the immediate presence of a police officer at the scene would not add value to the investigation
- The expansion of Road Policing and Armed Response Units
- The introduction of '101' the telephone number to contact police in non-emergencies
In addition to this:
- A Chief Inspector is on-duty 24 hours a day to manage critical incidents and ensure the flexible use of resources to match demand
- Dedicated teams are dealing with serious sexual offences and serious violent crime, ensuring the protection of our most vulnerable people
Chair of Gwent Police Authority, Cilla Davies welcomed the recognition but remains committed to improving the police service provided to residents of Gwent; "I am delighted with the result of this audit; it is a positive reflection on the hard work and commitment demonstrated by Gwent Police Authority members, officers and staff.
"Local communities can be confident that Gwent Police Authority is delivering a value for money service to protect, reassure and address the issues that are most important to them.
"We will, however, not become complacent. Gwent Police Authority and Gwent Police continue to strive to improve working practices, ensuring effective solutions that will make a difference to local neighbourhoods."