Hate Crime Awareness Week 2018
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent has been provided with £5000 from the Welsh Government in order to support Gwent Police in its activities during Hate Crime Awareness Week (HCAW). HCAW this year runs from the 13th to the 20th of October.
This year, Gwent Police and the OPCC are inviting bids from community groups for amounts up to £500 to support specific activities during HCAW. These should address locally identified need, and priority areas for funding will include (although not be exclusive to):
- Encouraging reporting of disability hate crime
- Challenging online homophobia, biphobia and transphobia
- Raising awareness of hate crime within Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
- Sharing the experiences of asylum seekers and refugees with the wider community
- Building confidence within faith groups (particularly Muslim women) to report hate crime
- Tackling hate in the late night economy (abuse directed at shop, bar, and restaurant workers and taxi drivers)
Activities could include workshops, printing and distribution of information, training or social events. All funded activities will be branded with both the OPCC logo and Gwent Police crest (these will be provided), and will use the agreed hashtags for the week #WeStandTogether and #NoPlaceforHate. We are looking for ideas that are a little bit different, and something that we haven’t seen before.
The fund is open to community groups, non-profit organisations and registered charities. Your planned activity must be targeted to communities in Gwent.
If you would like to submit a bid, please provide the following details:
- Name of organisation
- Contact name and position
- Contact details (email and phone number)
- What your project is (no more than 500 words)
- Why it is needed (no more than 500 words)
- What you are seeking to achieve and how you will know it has been successful
If your bid is successful you will also be asked to provide us with an evaluation of your project to let us know how it went.
Please email bids to heather.powell@gwent.pnn.police.uk by Friday 14th September 2018.