Hate crime of any kind will not be tolerated in Gwent
Hate crime of any kind will not be tolerated in Gwent.
It is a horrible, complex offence and can leave victims dealing with physical and emotional damage for many years.
You may be a victim of hate crime because you are: disabled, religious (or not), lesbian, gay or bisexual (or not), transgender, or from a different country, of a different ethnic origin, or have a different skin colour.
Existing political divisions, and social and economic anxieties, have been exacerbated in recent years. The debates around Brexit, and now the changes to daily life caused by Covid-19, have, sadly, created tensions in our communities.
But that is no excuse. Hate crime is unacceptable in a civilized society. Â
Gwent should be a place where people can live and work without fear.
I am working with Gwent Police to improve the reporting of hate crimes by victims and in recent years the reported number of hate crimes has increased significantly.
Dedicated Hate Crime Support Officers have been introduced within Gwent Police and specialist hate crime services are now available to victims through the Connect Gwent victims’ hub.
We have been praised by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services for this work but we must never be complacent and there is always more that we can do.
Chief Constable Kelly and I will continue to work to ensure that victims of hate crime in Gwent receive the best possible service from their police force.
If you are the victim of a hate crime, or you know some who is, then I would urge you to report it to Gwent Police.
Victims should report any incidents of hate crime to the police.
In an emergency, always call 999.
Support is also available through the Connect Gwent Victims Hub on 0300 123 2133.