Community Groups Granted Funding to Tackle Hate Crime
Ten projects from throughout Gwent that aim to tackle and raise awareness of Hate Crime have been awarded up to £500 by Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Jeff Cuthbert.
In order to gain the funding, projects had to demonstrate that they would use the money to work towards encouraging the reporting of hate crime instances, raise awareness of hate crime, build confidence or challenge the stereotypes which instigate the crimes.
Highlighting the funding, the PCC visited one of the recipients, BGFM, for an interview on the fund and to discuss what his office and Gwent Police were doing this Hate Crime Awareness Week (HCAW).
The PCC was supported at the interview by the latest ‘Mini Police’ recruits from Blaenau Gwent who recorded a hate crime awareness advert to be played throughout the week.
Speaking during the interview, PCC Jeff Cuthbert said “Targeting an individual because of your own prejudices is unacceptable in the 21st century.
“The full breadth of forms hate crime can take is devastating to victims and can leave physical and emotional damage for years following the incident.
“I am thrilled to be able to support these ten projects this year and look forward to seeing the good work each will do with the money they have received.”
National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2018 takes place from 13 – 20 October and raises awareness of crimes against vulnerable groups who are targeted because of hostility or prejudice towards them.
Gwent Police Chief Constable Julian Williams said: “Gwent Police will not tolerate hate crime and neither should anyone else. Hate crime can destroy lives, cause fear and can break down communities.
“I am delighted to see our partner agencies and local community groups benefiting from the awarded grants, as together we can encourage reporting, support victims and raise awareness of this unacceptable crime.”
If you would like more information on hate crime or on how to report a hate crime, please visit the Gwent Police website,