Commissioner pledges to help reduce road deaths

30th September 2024

Police and Crime Commissioner Jane Mudd has pledged to play her part in helping to reduce the number of people killed and seriously injured on Gwent’s roads.

Commissioner Mudd has joined Police and Crime Commissioners across the country in taking the Project EDWARD pledge to work together with their police forces and other partners towards a goal of zero road deaths and injuries.

Project EDWARD stands for Every Day Without a Road Death and was founded in 2016 to showcase and share good practice in road safety. Each year Gwent Police takes part in a targeted week of action for Project EDWARD in partnership with local councils, the fire and rescue service, and DVLA to tackle unsafe driving across Gwent.

Commissioner Mudd said: “We all want a world where no one is killed or injured on our roads, and I will do all that I can in my time as Commissioner to work towards this goal.

“Almost all traffic incidents which result in serious injury and death could have been avoided. We must continue educating drivers on the dangers of drink and drug driving, speeding, and using mobile phones, and the importance of wearing seat belts and keeping vehicles properly maintained.

“Thankfully, the number of road deaths in Gwent remains relatively low but even one death is one too many. We must continue to work together towards the goal of zero deaths and injuries on our roads and to make Gwent’s communities a safer place for all.”