Budget Consultation Events Announced
To inform his considerations when setting next year's budget (2016/17) and the level of his Precept (the proportion of the cost of policing paid from your council tax); Gwent PCC Ian Johnston will be hosting a series of 'Have Your Say' consultation events throughout Gwent on Monday January 11th 2016.
The aim of these events will be to discuss the current financial landscape for policing and the impact this is having on the policing service. It will also provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the level of Precept to be set in Gwent.
The times and locations for the 'Have Your Say' consultation events on Monday January 11th 2016 are as follows:
- Ty Mynyddislwyn Environment Centre, Blackwood, NP12 2BH - 10am-12pm
- Abergavenny Community Centre, Abergavenny, NP7 5YB - 2pm-4pm
- Newport Centre (Castle Suite), Newport, NP20 1UH - 6pm-8pm
To attend one of the above consultation events, please register via the following Eventbrite link http://bit.ly/gwentpcchaveyoursay detailing which event you would like to attend.
For any queries, please email jessica.tippins@gwent.pnn.police.uk
- All responses need to be submitted by 5pm on Thursday January 7th 2016.
- Please note that each event is open to a maximum of 60 people. Spaces are allocated on a first come, first serve basis at each venue.