Are We Fair?
Gwent PCC Ian Johnston's Equality Plan outlines how he and his office contributes to eliminating and preventing discrimination in our communities, allows people equal access to services and support, and promotes positive relationships between people who share protected characteristics.
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for Gwent originally published its first four-year Equality Plan in 2012. The plan is currently being reviewed for the next four years to ensure it remains relevant and responsive for individuals and communities and meets the equality requirements of the OPCC and essentially holds the Chief Constable of Gwent Police to account for the Force equality duties.
To ensure that the revised plan is truly representative and shaped by the issues that people who share protected characteristic's encounter, the Commissioner wants you to tell him what you think of the proposed updates to the plan by providing your honest views and opinions. Urging people to complete the survey, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent, Ian Johnston, said: "As Commissioner I have a role to play in linking people with their local police service and in ensuring that the service the police delivers is accessible, fair and effective. Gwent is made up of a socially diverse mix of people with different faiths, ethnic origins and lifestyles. My office represents the interests of all aspects of our local communities by engaging with them and scrutinising their police service, making it accountable to local people. I want to know if people think that what we are doing will help the Police Force and my office to ensure people are included and treated fairly."
The survey will run from today (Thursday November 12th) and the closing date for all responses is WednesdayDecember 16th 2015. The results of this survey will inform the NEW Strategic Equality Plan for Gwent 2016 - 2020.
Follow the link to complete the online version of the survey
Other formats of the survey are also available on request from the Police and Crime Commissioner's office by emailing . Please email electronic copies to this address and send all hard copy responses by post to:
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Police Headquarters
NP44 2XJ