Request for informatin regarding formal Abandonment Notices that have been registered with the Force for equines, which have been removed from public areas under their jurisdiction between the dates January 2019 to January 2022
Reference: 22005
Date Added: Thursday, April 28, 2022
Disclosure Details
Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000.
Two duties are placed on public authorities under Section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). Notwithstanding applicable exemptions, the first duty at, Section 1(1) (a), is to confirm or deny whether the information specified in a request is held. The second duty at, Section1 (1) (b), is to disclose information that has been confirmed as being held. Under the provisions of those sections of the FOIA, we can confirm that the information you seek is not held by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent.
You have requested the following information:
I write in regard to formal Abandonment Notices that have been registered with your Constabulary for equines, which have been removed from public areas under your jurisdiction between the dates January 2019 to January 2022, in keeping with the:-
- Animal Welfare Act 2006, which gives Local Authorities and the Police the power to remove animals in certain circumstances.
No information held
- Control of Horses (Wales) Act 2014 which gives Local Authorities the power to remove equines in certain circumstances.
No information held
- Animals Act 1971 which gives landowners certain rights as regards animals deemed to be trespassing on their land.
No information held
I also ask, how many Order’s has your Constabulary made during the same three-year period in regard to a ‘Change of Ownership’ under a Section 20 Application of the Animal Welfare Act 2006.
No information held
The Organisations/Charities I am most interested in are: RSPCA, Redwings Horse Sanctuary, World Horse Welfare and Welsh Pony Rescue & Rehoming Charitable Trust (WPRRCT).
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent (OPCC) and Gwent Police are separate organisations. The OPCC are not responsible for and do not hold this information, this is the responsibility of the Chief Constable of Gwent Police. You may wish to contact Gwent Police directly to determine if they have the information requested via the following link
The Freedom of Information Act is a public disclosure regime, not a private regime. Any information disclosed under the Act is thereafter deemed to be in the public domain, and therefore freely available to the general public and will be published on the OPCC website.
You have the right to appeal our decision if you think it is incorrect. Should you feel dissatisfied with this response or the way in which your request was handled, information on the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent FOI Appeals Procedure can be found on our website:
If you remain dissatisfied after an internal review decision, you have the right to apply to the Information Commissioner’s Office. The Commissioner is an independent regulator whose details can be found using the following link:
You can also write to the Information Commissioner’s Office at the following address:
Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF