Request for information regarding call- off contracts within the public sector.

Reference: 21019

Date Added: Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Category: Finance

Disclosure Details

Thank you for your recent request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Two duties are placed on public authorities under Section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA). Notwithstanding applicable exemptions, the first duty at, Section 1(1) (a), is to confirm or deny whether the information specified in a request is held. The second duty at, Section1 (1) (b), is to disclose information that has been confirmed as being held. Under the provisions of those sections of the FOIA, we can confirm that the information you seek is not held by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent. Please find response below.

I am doing a research project investigating call-off contracts in the public sector. I have identified some potential call-off contracts awarded by the Police & Crime Commissioner for Gwent, but I can't find details of the framework agreement they were awarded from. 

I have attached an Excel file that contains the information I am looking at. The last two columns ("Title of Framework used" and "contracts finder or ted link") is where I am missing information - please could you fill these in.

I have provided the title, description, details of the email contact from the notice, the value of the contract and procedure type used to award each potential call-off as well as a URL link to the call-off in question and unique reference ID for each potential call-off. Please let me know if there is anything else you need to complete the request.

If you do not feel like this request could be completed in good time, please could you work down the list and do as much of a subset as you can?

No information held


The Procurement Department of Gwent Police undertakes this work on our behalf, the OPCC does not hold the information requested. Therefore, you may wish to contact Gwent Police directly to determine if they have the information requested via the following link

The Freedom of Information Act is a public disclosure regime, not a private regime. Any information disclosed under the Act is thereafter deemed to be in the public domain, and therefore freely available to the general public and will be published on the OPCC website.

I hope this information is satisfactory to your request however, should you feel dissatisfied with this response or the way in which your request was handled, information on the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Gwent FOI Appeals Procedure can be found on our website: